Embarking on a recent sojourn with the venerable Ulloa family, our inaugural patrons from epochs past, manifested as an emotional odyssey that unfurled against the resplendent tapestry of San Diego's vistas. Body: A Familial Metamorphosis From the nascent duo we...
San Diego Serenity: A Lopez Family Odyssey in Frames
In the heart of San Diego's tranquility, we recently embarked on a photographic odyssey with the Lopez Family, a journey that has unfolded over the years from capturing their wedding to freezing moments of their now family of three. Our lens ventured into the serene...
Capturing Timeless Memories: The Toledo Family Photoshoot at MonteValle Park in Chula Vista
Welcome to our latest blog post, where we're thrilled to share the highlights from a heartwarming family photoshoot we recently had the pleasure of capturing for the Toledo family. Nestled in the picturesque surroundings of MonteValle Park in Chula Vista, this session...
Capturing Joy: A Festive Family Photoshoot at the Christmas Tree Farm in El Cajon with Your San Diego Photographer
'Tis the season for spreading joy and creating cherished memories, and what better way to capture those special moments than with a family photoshoot? Our recent session at the Christmas Tree farm in El Cajon was nothing short of magical. As your go-to San Diego...
A Rustic Family Photoshoot at Marian Bear Park with the Nalan Family
As a San Diego photographer, there's nothing more rewarding than seeing the same family grow and evolve over the years. This past weekend, we had the pleasure of reuniting with the Nalan family for a heartwarming photoshoot at the charming Marian Bear Park. Our...
Book Your Fall Sessions with CR Photography!
This is one of the most exciting times of the year for us at CR Photography because we get to take your Family Holiday Portraits! So today, we want to kick off this incredible season by letting you know our calendar is now available for booking Fall and Winter...